Thank you, for being a friend! A few days ago I "discovered" a site called
Technorati, which is a search engine for blogs. All you do is copy/paste in your blog's URL and it magically pulls up anyone who has linked to your blog! How cool is THAT? Well, when I typed in my URL I discovered that some people had linked to me, and I had no idea! You crazy kids! You guys gotta tell me these things! Naturally, I reciprocated. I just wanted to say 'thank you' to everyone who has decided to link to my blog. It's nice to know someone out there enjoys my so-called trials and tribulations, as well as my love of pop culture. I'm truly flattered. And, you know what the weird thing is? A lot of the people who recently linked me and/or who have told me they enjoyed my blog, I had come across
their blogs only minutes earlier while surfing on
BlogExplosion, and had "Blogmarked"
them! Spooky! So, be sure and let me know if you link me, I'll be more than happy to reciprocate!
If you like what you read today, keep in mind there are TONS of archived blogs that encompass a full spectrum, from CD recommendations, movie reviews, personal photos and more. There's really no rhyme or reason to my entries, just random thoughts and insights that I find fun and/or amusing, so be sure and check em' out! Also, I recently added a few buttons that promote my blog (located in the left column), for those who are interested. Oh! I almost forgot. On occasion I post more than once a day, so make sure you scroll around. So, in short, thanks again for checking out my blog, bookmarking it and/or commenting. It's always appreciated.
-Kirk :)
Hi! I found your blog a few days ago via BlogExplosion. It's wonderful, isn't it? Anyway, I added you to my Bloglines subs and have been reading your blog faithfully for about a week now and added a link to one of my blogs when I did some template adjustments tonight.
your site's really interesting. i'll link you up, ok?
Hi Shelly! Thanks for stoppin' by! Yes, BlogExplosion is mindboggling. Originally, I was logging about 30 hits per day, before I joined on October 12. Today I registered 109 hits!! That's crazy cakes!
I'm tickled pink that you are enjoying my blog. I promise I will try to hold your interest. BTW, I also linked your blog and checked it out earlier. VERY nice. I really like your template. When I see hip templates like yours, I start getting paranoid about mine! Lol. I'm so neurotic. It's sad, really.
Thanks again for linkin' me!
-Kirk :)
Thank you Transcience! I've linked you, too. BTW, your blog about going to eat Thai food made me laugh. Totally sounds like something I would do. I once crossed 3 counties, trying to find a video store! Egads!
I've got ya linked! Thanks again!
-Kirk :)
Hi, Kirk,
The Cyber Chocolate template is Blogger's Minima which I've fiddled with. The hard part with template fiddling for me is figuring out what all the sections are and what I can substitute for what and where to put the code. I'm still very new at this fiddling with the code game.
I had the template you're using here for my serious blog, but I hated that so many folks were using it, so I changed the background, but I couldn't figure out where the dots on top were. I love how you subbed them out with the electric brain. That's a great graphic. Another simple Blogger template I've been playing with is for my new meme blog, if you want to take a look.
BTW, you do know about, don't you? And the book he put out, The Gallery of Regrettable Food, which he also has up on the site.
Yo Shell-aye!
I hear ya bout the whole template fiddling thang. I'm not that familiar with anything other than HTML and even then, the whole "tables" thing baffles me. Being the anal retentive person that I am, I often find myself obsessing over my blog's look. I think a big part of it stems from surfing other people's blogs over at BlogExplosion and not wanting to make some of the same mistakes they do. I want my blog to be easy to navigate, relatively uncluttered with unnecessary things like tons of animated gifs, animated backgrounds, music, etc.
I'm glad you like my electric brain image! I like it too. I wanted something simple that summed up my blog's feel. My current obsession is finding and adding buttons to the left column. Lol. Weird, but so much fun, and isn't that why we blog to beging with?
BTW, I just surfed your Cyber Chocolate blog and clicked on your link for Malt Shop. Retro-licious!
Aiiigh! NO, I hadn't heard of! However, The Gallery of Regrettable Food has graced my vintage/retro cookbook collection for some time now. Thanks for the heads up! I gotta add the link here at My So-Called Strife.
-Kirk :)
Hi, Kirk,
I don't know about tables and all that. I know some html. I fiddle with the template by inserting html coding and moving it around til it seems to be where it needs to be (and I'm always dropping a semi-color or something). I do it mostly by trial and error.
I'm not fond of animations (tho I have an animated BlogExplosion button) and I don't like music on blogs--it interferes with my radio. And I, too, have gotten obsessed with finding buttons for the sidebar, and other thingies like the Moon Phases and Blogger Pet.
I'm glad you liked how Malt Shop looks. I love retro/'50s style. And I'm glad to have brought into your life. I've spent hours on that site. :)
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