Monday, December 06, 2004

Funky Mystery Solved

For the last week or so I have, on occasion, when entering the house, smelled something foul. I'm not talking stale-foul or kitchen garbage-foul, more like decomposing corpse-foul. Being unable to locate the source, I wrote it off as possibly the aftermath of the mouse poison I have in the garage. Perhaps Mr. Mousie, Mister Rat (he's a bachelor for life) and/or possibly even Mr. Possum and/or Mr. Mole had somehow gone a dyin' in the attic, under the house or even between the walls. Now, I don't even know if I have any of these guys around, but I had to think of something. I mean, after all, this stench was FOUL.

Well, 'lo and behold, I discovered the source yesterday while in the kitchen, standing at the counter, cleaning DVDs (yes, my kitchen is an all-purpose kinda space). While standing there, polishing finger-smudged DVDs I'd bought used, I smelled it! It was close. It was stinky. It was... a sack of red potatoes I had forgotten about under the counter in a grocery bin! I lifted the sack up, out of the bin and geez, Louise, it almost made me yak. I tossed it into the trash can, but have since relocated that trash bag to the garage, until trash day on Wednesday. I can't believe my liquor of choice, vodka, is made from fermented potatoes! Ack! My Bloody Marys never smelled like this!


Blogger Unknown said...

Ugg, I have smelt that smell. I had that happen a few months ago.
At least you caught it before the maggots got into the picture. That was a nightmare.

Monday, December 06, 2004 10:06:00 PM  
Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Gah! Maggots! I haven't seen those in forever. I forget exactly when it was, maybe I blocked it out because it was so traumatic. I think it had something to do with some ripe garbage in the garage. Ack!

Trust me, the potatoes smelled bad enough to be maggot-ridden, but I didn't take that close a look. At arms length the bag was about to make me lose it, so I just tossed it in the garbage.

I knew we were soulmates! And you're right, I am SO thankful that it wasn't an animal of any kind. Esp. a mouse or rat!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004 3:07:00 AM  

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