Thursday, December 02, 2004


Okay, this blog entry is going to be twofold. Allow me to elaborate. From time to time, while reading other people's blogs and/or surfing the "blogosphere," I see some bloggers promote, mention, endorse, whatever you want to call it, other people's blog(s). Okay, I can dig that. I mean, some of these bloggers have a LARGE following, so, on occasion I'll click on the inevitable hyperlink that accompanies such praise, to see what the hubbub is all about. Here's the perplexing part: Nine times out of 10, I don't get it. And when I say "I don't get it," I don't mean the subject matter or "humor", goes over my head, I mean I'm literally sitting there scratching my head as to why said blog is so "hot." Maybe like speaks to like. You know, political people like political blogs, people with kids like mommy blogs, people with stigmata like religious blogs, etc. Personally, what appeals to me is humor, wit and photos (I loves looking at me some pictures!). I know "good" or "bad" blogs are relative, so it's not a matter of whether or not something is "worthy," but sometimes I feel like I'm out of the "loop," but I don't know why. But, most of the time I'm more than happy to not be part of that particular demographic.

Now, for the 'two' part of the twofold. What is it about my blog that keeps you coming back (for those who do)? Without going into detail about what lead me to this question, let me just say that I ask not out of a need for praise and/or validation, but out of sheer, raw curiosity. Seriously. I find the whole blog experience to be a lot of fun, which is why I started to begin with, but I also find it very puzzling. For reasons I mentioned in the first paragraph and also from a standpoint of a "writer." I cringe to use that term when referring to myself, because it conjures up stereotypical images of self-absorbed college professors wearing sports coats with patches on the sleeves, with stoic faces and knitted brows regurgitating large words to express shallow thoughts. I don't consider myself a "writer" and would never presume to use that word to define myself. I do, however, enjoy expressing myself through the written word. I figure I'd be doing it verbally anyway, so why not just document it in writing?

From time to time I'll find myself checking in with Technorati or Who Links To Me, to see if there are any new links. There usually aren't, and that's not really a big deal. I've even noticed that some people who used to link to me, don't anymore. Also not a big deal. I figure I wrote about something or expressed an opinion on a topic that they have opposing views on and that's what spurred the link removal. Eh, whatever. I don't have the kind of time it takes (and wouldn't try even if I did) to stroke everyone's ego and/or coddle their fragile psyches.

So! If you have time, I'd appreciate your input, good or bad. You can even post anonymously if you want to. Thanks.


Blogger M said...

One of the things about going to message boards for so long is that, although they always claim that you don't have to leave your personality at the door, and that we are all just trying to have some fun etc, the reality is that if you have a strong, opinionated personality with the kind of sense of humour that I like, which tends to be sarcastic, that just rubs a lot of people the wrong way. The more obnoxious, witless people generally.

It's like those old westerns, where before you know it every cowboy in the saloon thinks you are challenging them to a duel every time you open your fucking mouth - when in fact you're just trying to make a point. And if you make a joke someone is bound to get offended. So much for good will towards men.

It feels good to read a blog where you feel free to just make fun of whatever you like, and express a strong personality. It reminded me that it's OK to be like that, much more interesting and much more entertaining too. Fuck'em if they can't a joke.

I always check your blog at least two times a day, and look forward to your critiques. Even when our tastes differ I still find you funny, and I do think we share the same fundamental values so that's what I care about.

Thursday, December 02, 2004 11:55:00 AM  
Blogger Princess Wild Cow said...

I read you because you crack me up. I found you before Blog Explosion by pushing the "Next Blog" button on blogger. Not only am I enamored of your post, but my daughter now faithfully checks in. I raised a weird one.

Thursday, December 02, 2004 2:36:00 PM  
Blogger ShellyS said...

I like a wide variety of things and your blog is varied. :) It's also funny and I love your take on pop culture and kitsch.

Nothing profound in that. You just tickle my funnybone and write about things that mostly interest me. :)

Thursday, December 02, 2004 10:11:00 PM  
Blogger Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

I read your blog every day for the same reason I drink about a zillion diet cokes every day: delicious, and habit-forming. Addictive, even. In other words, I love it. And nothing you can say will change my mind.

Friday, December 03, 2004 1:17:00 AM  
Blogger Chox said...

two tourette's blog entry was picked up on little, yellow, different and as a result, i've gotten more hits in the past two days than i've had in the past week. it's wild.

and as to why i read your's like a bag of potato chips. i can't eat just one, and i usually end up finishing the whole thing.

Friday, December 03, 2004 9:23:00 PM  

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