My Day So Far...
9AM- Turn on heat. Press 'record' on the VCR so that I can watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade when I have time later. Preheat oven. Put turkey in pan.
9:20- Put turkey in oven. Set alarm for 11:30. Go back to bed.
11:55- Remember to give thanks for the snooze alarm. Press record on the other VCR in the den to record movie marathon for friend. Take turkey out of oven and carve. Put stuffing and mashed potatoes in oven for 45-50 min. Take 4-week-old, unread Sunday paper to the bathroom and run bath water. But Jazz CD into stereo.
12:50- Remove stuffing and mashed potatoes. Remove plastic cover and stir both. Put dollop of butter in center of potatoes, season stuffing and place back in oven for a crispy topping.
1PM- Put Charlie Brown Thanksgiving in DVD player. Take picture of feast for blog. Make plate. Take picture of said plate. Get out lap desk, favorite comforter and pillow and arrange on couch. Return to kitchen for plate. Say brief prayer while standing over plate. Get Cherry Pepsi from fridge, paper towels and take dinner rolls outta oven.
1:25- Discover eyes are bigger than stomach. Return to kitchen with half-eaten plate. Throw away Pepsi can. Help self to a nice, cold glass of milk. Return to living room to watch Home For The Holidays.
2:00- Change full tape that's recording movie marathon. Replace.
3:30- Check e-mail to find an S.O.S. e-mail from Derik who's hosting Thanksgiving at his place this year. Reciprocate with e-mail of encouragement and hope. Grab lap desk, my "Boys Are Stupid" pen and head to the den to listen to records and do some Word-Find puzzles. Eat a piece of pumpkin pie.
4:25- Change tape again. Set alarm for 2 Hours. Take nap.
Don't cry for me Argentina! Trust me, it was one of the most peaceful, stress-free Thanksgivings I've had in a long, long time. I've opted to bypass celebrating Thanksgiving and/or Christmas this year with my parents. I love them and all, but it's A LOT of stress/pressure. I need a break from their negativity this year. I'm worn out from playing host for the last 15 years. It was nice to have a break from the cleaning up before, during and after their visit.
I'll be here next year, so come on over! We can make Chex party mix and eat lots of turkey and take naps and wake up and eat more turkey! FUN!
Hope your Thanksgiving was a happy one!
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