Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I had lunch at my favorite BBQ spot today: David's BBQ. David's has been in business for over 75 years! It's a family thing. To be honest, and much to the chagrin of my fellow Texans, I was never much of a BBQ fan. I can sum up the reason why in one word: gristle. Ack! I have this major issue with food and texture, thus my swearing off of my mom's chili, chicken nuggets from anywhere but Chick-Fil-A and BBQ in general. A strategically-placed piece of gristle or weirdo meat by-product can ruin the rest of my meal. And before you get all sassy and say "This from a guy who just endorsed a SPAM-based recipe?" That's different. SPAM and potted meat have succeeded in making their products consistent in their textures. It's all about texture, baby. Nothing can make me kack like a cat with a hairball, faster than hitting a piece of sqagooshie (not a real word, yet descriptive) piece of gristle.

My point is, I initially wasn't a big BBQ fan, until I started eating at David's. I love their chopped beef sandwich, turkey sandwich (to DIE for, seriously) and/or the occasional sausage sandwich. Besides having generous portions, so generous, in fact, that you can make TWO sandwiches from the serving of one sandwich (that's why, as a rule, I always order an extra bun), David's consistently has good quality meat, plus their BBQ sauce is outta this world. Nothing else like it. Of course, nothing's perfect, so I do have my own little neurotic ritual I practice when ordering the chopped beef sandwich: When separating the meat from one sandwich to make another (thus the extra bun), I make an effort to be a good Gristle Scout. Sure, there's no patches or meetings, but we Gristle Scouts are still very dedicated to the annihilation of gristle. Once I've picked out the occasional crafty piece, my meal consumption is underway!

I like David's BBQ for lots of reasons, besides the food itself: [1] The fact that it's personally owned/ran. Not impersonal like so many chain restaurants today. No need to "go through the corporate office" if some school kid wants to post a flyer in the window promoting the local softball team. [2] The customers/atmosphere is very small townish and therefore very cocoonish and understated. Nothing fancy schmancy. Just the bare essentials. Too many cooks spoil the broth. KISS* (*Keep It Simple, Stupid), that's my motto. [3] All the TONS of framed pictures autographed by local and Hollywood celebrities who have eaten there. [4] I get full for $6.35 (ice tea, 2 sandwiches (from 1 portion), french fries (or onion rings/okra), all the pickle chips I can eat at the the "fixins" bar (onion slices, banana peppers, pickle chips, red beans, coleslaw, etc.) and the FREE self-serve ice cream cone machine! Swell!


Blogger Sister Sunshine said...

You're not alone. A LOT of people have texture-related food issues, myself included. People can hardly believe I don't like watermelon... but it's the TEXTURE.
; )

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:07:00 PM  
Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

You're preachin' to the choir, Sister Sunshine. I am SO in the same boat with ya, when it comes to watermelon. Here in Texas, it's practically blasphemous not to love watermelon, but I never really have. Now, watermelon-flavored things, I DO love (i.e. Jolly Ranchers, Jell-O, etc.), but the real deal, no thanks. Texture is also responsible for the reason I don't care for coconut. I can handle it occasionally on a Hostess Snowball or a Chic-O-Stick (, but that's where I draw the line.

Thanks for stoppin' by and backin' me up! ;)

-Kirk :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I just get the chopped beef and that way the gristle is hidden! Have you tried BAker's Ribs? They are good too! :P

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:44:00 PM  
Blogger {illyria} said...

mmmmmm to the BBQ. eeewww to the gristle. =)

Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:26:00 AM  
Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Oh yeaaaaah, transience. If you think the BBQ looks good, you should taste it! I'm addicted to their chopped beef sandwich, loaded with pickle chips, black pepper and plenty-o-sauce!

The one good thing about their chopped beef sandwich is that there is rarely any gristle. Still, I have to look.

-Kirk :)

Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:48:00 AM  
Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Hi Chana! Are you sitting down? I've never had ribs before. Seriously! They make revoke my Texan license. Lol

So, no, I haven't tried Baker's Ribs. I dunno why, but I just haven't gotten around to trying them yet, but everyone is always telling me how good they are. Are Baker's Ribs from a restaurant or found in the grocery store?

Speaking of ribs, I always wonder if that McRib sandwich McDonald's has from time to time, is any good.

Ironically enough, I'd visited your site earlier in the day, via BlogExplosion. The picture of your kitty in the dryer had me laughing outloud. I also clicked on your link to Keri Nobles new CD. I haven't heard her music before, but it looks interesting. What genre of music does she perform? I saw that her CD was bundled with Norah Jones.

Thanks for stoppin' by!

-Kirk :)

Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:57:00 AM  
Blogger Elisson said...

Now I know why I have the perfect marriage. I avoid the gristle (although I'm not quite as revolted by it as you are), and the missus eats it. She has been known to clean the gristle off the tips of the chicken wings after I eat the meat.

But then again, I'll eat the heads and tails of fried shrimp. You say you've never seen a fried shrimp head? Go to any sushi bar.

Nice kitsch photos on your site. Keep it up!

Friday, October 22, 2004 10:29:00 AM  
Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Hi Steve!

Yes, my gristle grumbling is why I'm one of the few people on the planet earth (esp. in Texas) who isn't a big fan of steak. Don't get me wrong, I love the taste (anything grilledd = delicious), but by the time I've removed all traces of gristle, everyone else is on dessert or fumbling for their car keys.

Now, I am a shrimp FIEND, but I'll admit, I won't eat the head. I have (by accident) eaten the tale before, but ended up getting it caught in my "craw," as my mother would say, and kacked like a cat with too much hair and too little malt. HOWEVER, I do strongly believe in getting all the meat out of the tail, when possible. That just makes good shrimps sense! ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed my kitsch images. I'm a slave to them!

Thanks for stoppin' by!

-Kirk :)

Friday, October 22, 2004 4:50:00 PM  

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