Saturday, October 30, 2004

Autumn In Texas

These are just a few images I snapped over the last couple of days. (From left to right)
• This is one of my favorite roads to drive down, especially once all the leaves have changed colors. It's pretty either way really.
• Some mini pumpkins in a bin outside the local hardware store down the street from me.
• Indian corn in a bin at the same hardware store.
• A HUGE pumpkin priced at $60, outside the book sale.
• A cute little house that I pass on the way to the post office, all decorated for Halloween.
• The window at my favorite "old school" video store (more details next week).
• A really cute little ceramic votive candle holder I couldn't resist buying at the local hardware store, mentioned above. It's only about 6" high, but they had others that were 4X bigger! I wanna check back after Halloween, maybe I can get one for half price! There was also one that was just a black cat. Too cute!
• Pumpkins from the "Pumpkin Patch" outside the book sale.
• My favorite kitty statuette in the hallway outside my bedroom.


Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Lol! You would have to notice that picture in the background! I'm gonna start calling you Eagle Eyes. Actually, I dunno who the picture is actually OF, but it was taken by a famous photographer of the 50's named "Bruce of L.A." (very fagalicious) I bought it on eBay when I first started, maybe 5 years ago. It's a nude. I thought it was a great, interesting photo. I'll take a picture of it later so you can see the whole image.

It's true! Since the pumpkins weren't marked (note: whenever ANYTHING doesn't have a price at a sale of any kind, it's never a good sign), I asked her what the price ranges were and she said anywhere from .75¢ to $60. When my eyes bugged out, she showed me the $60 pumpkin. It was big, but it wasn't THAT big. I'd have priced it at no more than half that, but hey, that's just me.

-Kirk :)

Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:32:00 PM  

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