First off, I miss cheesy poster art like this. It's bad, but it's so bad that I love it. I miss the era when movies used to have poster art. When any font was possible and good and bad drawings alike adorned video boxes everywhere. There's just something about the old poster art that really lent itself to the VHS format. It just looked right on a coverbox, whereas on a DVD cover, it loses something in the translation.
I have lots of favorite scenes from the movie, most of which contain Margot (who I've always loved):
• Margot wearing brown Converse shoes, lying on the couch learning Italian from a record and getting hammered.
• Margot on the bus in her big ol' sunglasses, getting plastered.
• Margot painting the apartment, while getting loaded.
• Margot outside the abortion clinic, getting tanked.
• Margott lying on the couch in her bathrobe and curlers, watching a movie about mutant ants attacking Los Angeles...while she's getting sloshed.
Margot's character loves the booze. AND, just for the record, unlike the movie poster, her T-shirt in the movie actually has the words: J'*Heart* Les Hommes. I love it! I guess the filmmakers thought the original wording would confuse the general public. C'est la vie.
So, if you get a chance, catch it on Showtime or buy a copy for under $5 over at Half.com. It's a fun movie you're sure to enjoy!
Actually, her T-shirt read "J'*coeur* les hommes".
That's, if you really want to be accurate.
You said it was a movie with "my name written all over it." I watched it loaded on sinus medication and wishing the days of wine and marijuana weren't so far in the past...
Actually, if I wanted to be really, really accurate, I wouldn't have used the word "heart" at all, but instead had the universal symbol for heart there instead. Besides, I don't think she was drinking Coors in the movie, anyway.
Juuuuuuust kidding. I remember some of my high school/college French.
Thanks for commenting! :)
Princess Wild Cow-
Oh nooooo. You didn't like it, huh? Oh well. I thought it was fun. Even though it was technically an 80's movie, it had a 70's movie feel to it. Very made-for-TV-ish.
No honey, I loved it, I just wished I had some dope to smoke with it...keep on recommending movies...you've turned me on to some I never even knew about...
Princess Wild Cow-
Ohhhhhh. Lol! I thought you were saying that it was suck a stinker that you wished you'd been high/loaded so as to dull the pain of having to watch it. Lol! We were on different/yet the same wavelength. ;)
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