Amy Sedaris Meets PETA
I don't have to tell you just how incredibly brilliant the show was. It was the first show since Twin Peaks to competely engage me. It was surreal, dark, hilarious and unlike anything I had seen on TV. Ever. It completely crossed the line on morality, reality and good taste. Naturally, I embraced it. It was like an After School Special on 'ludes. The entire cast was brilliant. A movie based on the TV has finished wrapping up and was a hit at Sundance, recently.
I was recently made aware of an ad campaign that Amy did (as her character, Jerri Blank) for PETA, "What Becomes a Loser Most?" Though I've yet to encounter anyone associated with PETA who wasn't either a holier-than-thou-type incapable of tolerating/respecting any other person's choice, other than their own, I'm all for being humane to animals, it's just that guilt trips and drama aren't necessarily effective on me, however noble. That aside, their ad campaign, spoofing the "What Becomes a Legend Most," vintage pro-fur ads of yesteryear is nothing short of inspired. They're hilarious. More proof that Amy is still the cat's meow.
Strangers With Candy was a funny, funny show. I can't wait to watch the movie. David Sedaris is a great, funny writer. Although, I have to admit I've only read one of his books Naked.
Oh wait, I should add some quotation marks and a comma to clarify things.
Although, I have to admit I've only read one of his books, "Naked."
That's better.
I (heart) Amy Sedaris! One of my prized possessions is an autographed photo of her french kissing a dog. She wrote on it "Pee on me!"
Lol! I'm kinda slow, so it took me a while before I 'got' your comment. You crazy werewolf, you!
Timmy Ray-
That's awesome! Wow. I am seriously jealous! I just love her. She cracks me UP! I love that quote on one of the pictures you posted on your blog, the one where she is sporting an afro, that says: "I like feeling in shape. I've always done some lame little floor exercises in my apartment, you know, something really queer." LMAO!
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