Game Stop Can Lick My Crack

So, Monday evening I'm sitting in the living room watching TV when the phone rings. It's some automated bullshit message from Game Stop letting me know that the movie I reserved would be ready to be picked up tomorrow morning. So, today around 2:00PM (I assumed that was plenty of time for the shipment to have arrived and/or been inventoried), I get in the car, with the sole purpose of going to go pick up the DVD. I get to Game Stop, claim receipt in hand, only to find out from the pencilneck behind the counter that it "hasn't arrived yet." I told him I received a phone call that it had. He went into some song and dance about how he didn't know what was going on, but the shipment still hadn't arrived yet, and he was disappointed because he'd heard it was really good. I asked if he had any idea when it might be arriving and he naturally said 'no.' Being that there was surveillance equipment around and the fact that I had left my kerosene and lighter at home, I left. Now I have to make another trip up there whenever it arrives. What a load of crap.
And that's why Game Stop can lick my crack. The End.
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