Monday, August 01, 2005

There's a Fine Line Between...

First off, lemme preface this by saying I am not one of those homos who thinks every man is gay or potentially gay. It's not like just because someone is gay that you're somehow gonna be able to have them. I notice gay men tend to do this a lot, especially when it comes to attractive straight men and/or celebrities. Oh well, whatever gets you through the day, I guess. However, when an opportunity (like the one I am about to discuss) rears it's ugly head, I can't help but think "red flag." Besides, who knows, maybe he's not a drama major. Maybe he'll go on to tag some poon'. Either way, who cares. It's just something that struck me as amusing at the time. Let me put it this way, everything means something, no matter how inconsequential it may seem. There's a lot to be said for being observant.

So the other day while I was waiting in the check out line at Target, I eavesdropped on the people in front of me chatting with the salesclerk. It was a guy and girl, apparently a couple. The guy was so cute, just adorable.

They were discussing cruises and the checkout woman was talking about how she just took her daughter on their first cruise and how great it was because everything you could want is right there in one place: dining, entertainment, etc. Meanwhile both the boy and girl are all aglow about how cool they think it would be to go on a cruise and the guy exclaims excitedly: "I'd love to work on one of those cruise ships as an entertainer or something like that. You'd get to travel and I've heard the money is really good." Naturally, being gay, I had to laugh to myself and think "Oh realllly now?" I always find it amusing spotting potential homos who don't know they're potential homos yet. Personally, I'm still hoping and praying that one (or both) of my ultra-conservative WASP cousin's kids turns out to be a flaming queen. I can't wait to see how that passion play turns out. I have my suspicions. We'll see. We'll see...


Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Exaaaactly. I'm glad someone got where I was going with this. Lol! Thanks for commenting! ;)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 7:45:00 PM  

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