Monday, December 13, 2004

Braindead Banking, Texas-Style!

I do 95% of my banking business through the drive-thru, out of sheer convenience, and I really do like the people who work at the bank I use. I can't say the same for the bank and their Fee Sprees, but that's another story. So, needless to say when I go through the drive-thru I've come to expect a certain amount of competency, which I don't think is too much to ask, considering they ARE a bank and what little money I do have is under their care.
Today's transaction: I have a check written for the exact amount of my current credit card payment. Said credit card was issued through the bank. My payment is due this Wednesday the 15th. I want to transfer the entire amount of the check over to my credit card. Simple enough, yes? You'd think so anyway. I've only been doing this for like 5 years.

But today, I get one of the, what I've come to refer to as The Ingall's Girls (think of the adorable moppets from Little House on the Prairie): Pretty, sweet, country crock bullshit clothes that the Texas women around here go ga ga for. These types of girls seem to fuckin' THRIVE at banks around here. They're the epitome of what most people around here expect a "Texas girl" to be: Diminutive, cute, sweet... tack on 'dumb as a rock' to that list. I swear to God, they hire these cute lil' waifs and everyone loves them because they're soooo sweet, but fuck, could they find their ass with both hands? Today it was like talking to a wall, I swear. Sure, she's cute and pert and sounds sweet over the speaker box (I think her name was something precious, like Stephanie or Tiffany), but is anybody home? Now I understand if someone's new and of course there's an adjustment period in which it takes you to become accustomed to your job and it's tasks, but c'mon. If they can't handle a simple transfer, maybe you should put them on the coin counting machine for a while, at least until they're more familiar with how things work. Thanks to Cuddlecakes, I have absolutely no confidence that my transfer was done properly (Even though I have a receipt claiming that it has (Receipts mean nothing in the grand scheme of things and bank fees) and will now have to stalk my fucking account for 2 more days, which completely undermines the "convenience" factor.


Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Consider it done! :)

Thursday, December 16, 2004 3:37:00 AM  

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