Tuesday, November 02, 2004


As you know, today is V Day. It's up to you whether that 'V' stands for victory or for vile, so get out there and vote! Speaking of vile, over the last 3 weeks or so I've ran across political images that have either made me laugh and/or think (no wonder I have a headache). The one that begins this paragraph was recently sent to me by a friend. I couldn't resist posting it here. I think we all know that regardless of today's outcome, one side or the other will demand a recount, so you might as well kick back and relax. We're not going anywhere. Still. Without further ado, I give you, most likely, the last political images I'll be posting anytime soon... unless I feel like it. (from left to right)

[1] Wow. I found this image/headline over at AOL. Are they insightful or what? Doi!
[2] Found this image on someone's blog (I forget whose) while surfing BlogExplosion.
[3] Again, I found this one on someone else's blog (again, I forget who). The picture is completely comprised of images of the men and women who have died during "Operation Freedom"
[4 & 5] And these, I found over at Convoluted Insanity, a few days ago, but have since see it on other blogs as well (maybe they forgot where they got it, too. Lol!). Check out his blog, there's some great stuff over there.

While you're here today, feel free to check out the Political links in the Links list. The 'Slap Bush' game is so fun to play!


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