Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Make Room for Possumkisses!

Well, I have good news. No, I didn't just save a bunch of money on my car insurance. I don't have rats...I think. I'm pretty sure, but I'm not positive. And here's why:

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've initially heard scratching/clawing inside one of my bedroom walls. This stopped once I plugged in one of those Sunbeam electronic pest control thingies.

The only other place I'm hearing scratching is inside the old metal heating duct in the floor, covered by a grate, in the living room.

So, from time to time I thought I heard hissing, but I was always in another room when it started, so by the time I got there, it would suddenly get quiet. Well, the other evening I was sitting in the living room and it started up again. I muted the TV and got near the grate and listened. It WAS hissing (Now I'm wondering what it was hissing at...gee, Kirk, neurotic much?)! I thought so! Well, I've heard this kind of hissing before and it's definitely a possum. If you've ever seen a possum on TV or in person, you know those little weirdos love to hiss. And yes, I know it's not a cat, like my mom suggested, because they sound very different. More gutteral. SO, I've come to the conclusion it must be a possum, and let me tell you, I am relieved. Don't get me wrong, I'm still calling an exterminator...eventually. But, that's just in case I do have rats.

The pros of having a possum hang out at your pad:
• They eat roaches, and lots of other insects (Hooray!).
• They eat rats (Yay!).
• They're clean kids (alot like cats...always grooming themselves).
• They're non-aggressive (no Ninja-style attacks while I'm sleeping)

So, with all these positives, I can put up with a little hissing and the occasional noncturnal hijinks...at least for a while. In the meantime, I am getting a lot more sleep. Whew!


Blogger Blueyes said...

I only wish I had a possum in my walls, I had one rat which culminated into baby rats which I got rid of but I started hearing the scratching noises again so its either another rat and/or a squirril got in somewhere. Of course one of my dogs seems to be handling that front as she killed one a couple weeks ago :/

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get bats in the house every year...do possums catch bats?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:14:00 AM  
Blogger Samantha J. said...

I would still be creeped out by the possum and i hate roaches even the sight of them! Especially palmetto bugs, they are like 4 or 5 times the size of roaches! yuck!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:39:00 AM  
Blogger Blueyes said...

Hey if you get an extra possum send it my way....I actually walked in the bathroom the other day with a huge ass water bug, creeped me out big time. I hate those things.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Oh man, I sympathize with you. I still haven't completely ruled out rats, though I have never, ever seen a rat turd anywhere, still something is making that noise. And even if there are rats, I know they are in good company, 'cause whatever else is down there (re: possum) I KNOW isn't a rat, 'cause rats aren't big enough to hit their heads on the underside of my hardwood floor, which has happened a few times now. I dunno if they have a trampoline down there or what. I'm assuming a rat sneaked up on the possum(s)...or whatever, and goosed 'em. Rats are like that.

Princes Wild Cow-
I dunno. It's possible. From what I've read they eat small animals, so I'd put bats in that category, though possums can't fly (they get motion sickness...possums have tender tummies).

See, I call them roaches, but it seems like everyone else I know calls them "waterbugs." Dress 'em up however you like, they're STILL roaches to me. I HATE them. I researched them a little bit and even though they don't bite, I still don't like 'em.

And, you're right, though the picture I posted is a "cute" possum, as a rule they creep me out as well. They hiss and look awful in real life, but hey, if they can eat some bugs and maybe some rats while they're down there, more power to 'em!

And if you hate roaches, I'll have to write about my nightmarish experience in the garage a few years ago. I thought I'd already blogged about it, but I checked the archives and I didn't, so now you have something to look forward to. Lol! Trust me, it creeped me the fuck OUT!

Oh, now BEPS, you know you wanna wake up some night, turn over in bed and be face to face with a possum waiting to give you some love nibbles. Nuzzling that little wet, pink nose all along the knape of your neck. What a sweetie! Lol!

Oh, I hear ya. Like I told Ncc, I'll have to share a few of my "BLEAH!" stories with you at a later date. Gah!

Thursday, August 18, 2005 8:27:00 AM  

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