Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Three Faces of Peeve

If you're remotely familiar with my blog, then you know I, as a rule, hate 99.9% of people who use cell phones in public, while driving, etc. And yes, I do own a cellphone, but you know what? I've had it since 2003 and I think I've made maybe 9 calls total. It's just something nice to have in case my transportation gets a flat, begins to stall or otherwise fucks up in general (and believe me, it has). In other words, I'm no hypocrite. I don't talk on my phone every breathing moment of my existence. I can get through an entire trip (with or without traffic) to the grocery store, gas station, post office, video store, lunch, etc., all without feeling compelled to reach out and touch someone. Let the blogging commence.

• See this waste of organs? I wanted to chop his head off and make soup with it, but then I realized the head would be completely devoid of delicious brain matter. He was talking so loud that the woman behind the counter couldn't conduct business. I was directly across the counter from her and I couldn't hear a word she was saying. We went back and forth saying "what?" and "I didn't hear you," for the entire duration of my transaction. Naturally, he was conducting some make-it-or-break-it business deal, because he's just that important.

• And speaking of important, meet Mr. Mover & Shaker. He was so terribly important that he couldn't even take the phone away from his fuckin' ear, in order to buy groceries. Why bother giving the clerk your undivided attention when you can simply grunt, motion, and eyebrow your way through the transaction? How did he even find time to come to the store, pick out his groceries and wrangle them into a shopping cart? I think this may actually be the most hated type of cell phone user, for me.

I see self-involved assholes like this sit through entire lunches at restaurants, regardless if they're with someone or not, and have "important" conversations for the duration of the meal. I am always baffled as to why their lunch date (when they have one) puts up with this bullshit? I've seen women sit and look around the room, grimace and do everything short of breaking out the semaphore flags, and I wonder "why?" Why would you sit there and allow someone to literally ignore you for an entire meal? What's the point of being there together? Why even go through the motions if you're going to be this self-important? THIS is exactly why I wish every public place had cell phone signal blockers. And don't give me that "But, what if it was an emergency?" horseshit, either. When was the last time you overheard an emergency phone call taking place? And no, whether or not "we have milk at home" or "what movie should I rent?" does not constitute an emergency.

• Which brings me to Lola Schizoid here. She was at a small outlet store I went to recently, parked in the middle of an aisle, oblivious to those around her (natch), blowing a gasket because some clothing store neglected to put some clothes on hold for her granddaughter. And when I say blowing a gasket, I mean blowing a gasket. She was furious...and loud...and obnoxious...and would not let up! When I see things like this taking place, I go into a simulated fugue state, where I envision myself grabbing a random loaf of bread and calmly smacking her in the face (hard), sending both her glasses and her cell phone (and possibly a few teeth) rattling to the ground. Then calmly, placing the bread back on the shelf and continuing my shopping. Of course, real life is never as imaginative or as exciting as my imagination and I end up just coming home and blogging about it to get it out of my system. Ah, sweet blog therapy.

So, the thing that really clinched this particular cellphone experience is how ol' Lola went from Hyde back to Jekyll in the sweep of a hand. So, picture it, she's red-faced, bitching, extremely irate, chewing someone's ass out, one minute. Then once she reaches the counter, in a matter of seconds, she did a total 180 and she's all "tra la la la la ." WTF? I swear, you could hear little birdies chirping, a la a scene right outta Snow White. She's all chatty and upbeat and giggly with the clerk. FA-REAK! And here we are labeling people who look suspicious and/or act eccentric as "crazy," meanwhile people like this heffer go unchecked. Man, I don't wanna be around when she snaps.

So, there you have it. My tale of The Idiot, The V.I.P. and The Drama Queen. Stay tuned for future chapters of this ongoing saga. For more information, may I suggest:

Cellphone Etiquette Guide
The Ten Commandments of Cellphone Etiquette
The Buzz on Cellphone Etiquette


Blogger M said...

Brilliant post as usual Kirk... although I must say I once asked a store to keep something I really, really wanted to buy, and when I went back and they had sold it to someone else I felt like blowing a fuse as well.

Thursday, July 07, 2005 6:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. People and their mobile phones drive me up the fucking wall. I have one which has spent most of it's life turned off. I only have it charged now because my sister-in-law is due to go into labour and I'm the lucky one babysitting her first sprog.

(Surfed in via B.E)

Thursday, July 07, 2005 8:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That made me laugh so hard I almost snorted pop out of my nose. Kudos to you. Surfed in from BE's tagboard. I share your feelings on cell phones. I have one, but I never use it when out and about. It's mostly a security blanket for me. *blogmarks*

Thursday, July 07, 2005 8:05:00 AM  
Blogger PaintingChef said...

So unbelievable what some people do, isn't it?

Fantastic blog...just my style! Love it!

Thursday, July 07, 2005 9:25:00 AM  
Blogger Kirkkitsch said...

Thanks, Mariana! I sometimes wonder if my rants about the assorted people who piss me off, are getting redundant. To be honest, a lot of my posts like this are for me, really. It's all that internal dialogue that goes on inside my head while it's all taking place, and getting it OUT of my head and onto something tangible (like my blog) helps me to de-stress. Blog therapy, if you will.

Oh, I know what you mean about having a store hold something for you and then they don't do it. I've had similar situations with books and movies. BUT, if you'd seen just how apeshit this woman got and how quickly she deflated, it was nutso. Seriously.

Amen to that! I'm the same way! I keep mine charged at all times, but 9X outta 10 it's turned off because no one even knows my cell phone #, so if it rings, I know it's either a telemarketer or some dumbass with a wrong number. Cell phones are nice if used responsibly, but like you've just witnessed, most DON'T.

Thanks for commenting! :)

Lol! Sorry about that. I know that's gotta burn! ;) I'm glad it made you laugh, though.

Exaaaactly, Angela! I got mine because I've been paying for Texaco Roadside Assistance for years and last time I had to use it, it was like 20º outside and windy and my car died in some creepy-ass, drive-by-type area and I had to stand outside at a payphone for 30 minutes, trying to get the a-holes at Texaco to find my membership name/number. Never again.

Thanks for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it! :)

The things I see on a daily basis and document here never cease to amaze me. The scary part is that most of this behaviour has just come to be accepted. At the risk of sounding like a fuddy duddy, whatever happened to good manners?

Thank you! You made my day with your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed by blog. Thank you for the compliment! :)

Oy vey. Don't even get me started on that shit. I just had an experience at the Taco Bell drive thru and you'd think it was the first fuckin' time they'd (re: the customer) ever ordered food from Taco Bell! I'm sitting in my car for like 8 minutes saying under my breath "Goddamn! It's TACO Bell, genius. They serve fuckin' tacos and burritos, man! What's the hold up? Jesus Christ."

My first initial reaction is "I can't believe someone would actually have the fuckin' nerve to do something like that" (re: pull up to the drive thru then basically put YOU on hold, 'cause they're on the phone), but the more I see of these dumb assholes like the ones I blogged about, the more I believe anything. I'd be so tempted to respond, once they finally were ready to order "I'm on my break right now. Can you come back in 20 minutes?" Lol!

Sunday, July 10, 2005 8:36:00 AM  

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