Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Vice Presidential Debate

Tonight was the Vice Presidential debate between Dick Cheney and John Edwards. I usually don't have the patience for a lot of the political fodder that goes on lately, mainly because it ends up frustrating me to the point of literally bringing on a headache. However, this year I am making a concerted effort to stay inside the political loop, by keeping informed.

With that said, I've been listening to the debates while I do other things around the house. I enjoy them because it helps educate me on some of the candidate's history and for the purely selfish reason of just enjoying seeing Bush and Cheney get flustered when they get called on shit no one else has had the guts to say to them. Last night, Cheney pretty much did the same thing Bush did during his debate and that's regurgitate more of the same watchwords like "flip-flop and experience." I loved Edwards' response to Cheney's continual harping about having "experience." Edwards said "Mr. Vice President, I don’t think the country can take four more years of this kind of experience."

After the debate, on the Charlie Rose Show, Illinois Democratic rep. Rehm Emanuel (who I, incidentally, think is dreamy) summed it up perfectly when he said "You can't fix a problem if you don't think you have a problem." My feelings exactly.


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